Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Bless, Though Tempted to Curse. Forgive Even If Wounded
Message of the Infant Jesus of Prague to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 23, 2024

Beloved children, learn to love and live for Me. Bless, though tempted to curse. Forgive even if wounded.
I love you and educate you little by little to love, forgive and go beyond, sinking into My Merciful Heart as the Prince of Peace.
Believe in Me, Divine Child of Prague, and you will have great privileges and infinite graces. Entrust yourselves to Me. I love you, I love you, I love you. Listen to Me and to My Mother Mary. Follow Us, trust in Us of Heaven.
The Times are tightening and Satan is furious. World War III will come, but you do not fear. Have true faith, free yourselves from all resentment. Humanly it is not easy, but by forgiving you will have true peace, divine peace. You need to forgive to have Divine Peace. Forgive, forget in order to be truly reborn. Love with My Heart, I give it to you.
Pray to Me My children like this:
O Holy Child of Prague, who so many graces do Your devotees, give us grace of conversion, peace and deliverance from all torment and deliver us from all blindness, obfuscation, bewilderment. Save us, heal us, deliver us. Raise us up after every ruinous fall, and give us Your Holy Embrace and Divine Kiss. Seal us with Thy Royal Seal. Make us prudent and temperate. O Divine Child, save us from the present imposture present in Rome, and send us the Paraclete Spirit, Fire of Love, into our hearts. Warm us, when there is loneliness within us. Make us feel that You are within us. Embrace us Jesus, we need You now and always.